Actax, Inc

Actax is located right off Lariat Circle in Elko, NV. The office number is 775-738-2922 and someone is available to always answer any questions or concerns, during business hours of course.

Pam Jensen, President of Actax, Inc., is an EA, which is an Enrolled Agent, giving her the power, before the IRS, to defend any case that comes her way. She handles the IRS, so you do not have to! Using an EA is a worry-free way to deal with the IRS and get your taxes done.

Give Actax, Inc a call today and set up a consultation!

Other services provided are payroll services, bookkeeping (year-end and monthly) as well as many others. As always fat and friendly service is provided.

Let us take care of your tax and or financial issues, in a worry-free environment!

Thank you and your business is greatly appreciated!